Jamie DeKelaita Blog | Captured Moments
I had to share this…
With a special friend's permission, I had to share this message with you. It is exactly why I wrote this book... "I got my book today Jamie. I've read it twice already because I was [...]
Louis Logsdon
I have found that sometimes in life things happen that truly remind us that everything happens for a reason. The author of this book and I were childhood friends. After high school our lives took [...]
Uncle Neal
This year, my Uncle Neal passed away. I was close with him, even when we were far away. Ironically or not, I feel even closer to him now. If there were a person created before [...]
I love this picture, and I will tell you why..
See those two little girls up there? I stopped everything to have them and raise them. They mean everything to me. It was not easy to give up a career, but when I decided to [...]
Aunt Sandy
Sandra Haney To me she is Aunt Sandy. I know she loved her family very much, and she loved her dogs as much as any human. She was incredibly accepting, and had a great [...]
Regina DeKelaita I heard about Ijjy the moment my husband and I started dating. I thought her name was Ijjy for probably a year before I realized that was a nickname for Regina. Alan [...]