Jamie DeKelaita Blog | Captured Moments
Write. Write they'd say. Friends, family, psychics... especially psychics, told me it's my destiny. I resisted this years ago because I had just gotten out of tv news and my dream was to be an [...]
Bear with me… figuring out vids
Bear with me ya’ll it’s been awhile. I am trying everything to get my videos uploaded and it just plain isn’t letting me. So this could be the first relatable blog I’ll publish later. I [...]
We’re still here and Here’s What’s Next..
I called him Dad & didn’t know, he knowingly called me sweetheart.
When Alan and I started dating, I went to his brother and sister’s graduation party to meet everyone for the first time. Including his parents. I met his Mom right away, she threw candy on [...]
A little dash of Magic & Hope
Hi Guys! It’s been awhile! We’re still here, we’re still selling! We were thankful not to have any orders during lockdown, because of the uncertainty of EVERYTHING. That was a tough moment because we were [...]
Hold On
TO THE BEAUTIFUL, COURAGEOUS, STRONG, KIND YOUNG WOMAN who asked if she could hug me, through tears and a trembling voice.. with the most hopeful eyes, and beautiful smile... I wanted to write this to [...]